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Define callback

You can define two callbacks. Their names are self-explanatory:

  • onOpen
  • onClose
  <h1>Hello {{ msg }}</h1>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
const msg = ref<string>('world');

pass props to callback

<script lang="ts">
import { ToastOptions } from 'vue3-toastify';
import { PropType } from 'vue';

export default {
  name: 'Msg',
  props: {
    closeToast: Function as PropType<(e?: MouseEvent) => void>,
    toastProps: Object as PropType<ToastOptions>,

    <p>I am a vue component</p>
    <p>Position: {{ toastProps?.position }}</p>
      @click="($event) => { closeToast && closeToast($event) }"
      Click me to close toast
  • usage in single vue file
<script lang="ts" setup>
import Msg from './Msg.vue';

const show = () => {
    ({ closeToast, toastProps }) => h(Msg, { closeToast, toastProps }),
      data: { uid: 'sdsd' },
      onOpen: ({ uid }) => console.log(uid),
  • usage in jsx
import { toast } from 'vue3-toastify';
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import Msg from './Msg.vue';

const JsxDemo = defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const displayMsg = () => {
      toast(<Msg uid="test custom props" />, {
        closeOnClick: false,
        autoClose: 8000,
        onOpen: (props) => {
        onClose: (props) => {

      // or

      // toast(Msg, {
      //   closeOnClick: false,
      //   autoClose: 8000,
      //   data: {
      //     uid: 'custom from data',
      //   },
      //   onOpen: (props) => {
      //     console.log(props);
      //   },
      //   onClose: (props) => {
      //     console.log(props);
      //   },
      // });

    return () => (
        <button onClick={displayMsg}>toast in .jsx</button>

export default JsxDemo;

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